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Monday, May 04, 2009

Sorry that it has been such a long tym since i last blogged. Thank you jiajun for doing CPR on my blog. Haha!

Actually i intended to close down this blog. But i sorta revived it due to some reasons.

And after i read someone's blog, there's a lot of things i wanted to say. Even though that may nt be dedicated to me, but still i want to share with you all my thoughts and feelings i have on you.

To my very special friend:

I'm really very glad that i've such a great friend likk you.
Thank You for spending the 4 years of memory with me.
Thank You for tolerating my lameness.
Perhaps i really forget what I've written on the note.
But, I'll never forget our friendship.
I'll really treasure the times we spent and
I can still remember that I've got to know you because we both like to talk about singers and the that they had written.
I can still remember that both of us are a great fan of Jay Chou, JJ Lin and etc.
I can still remember us not listening during maths lesson. Instead, we were singing.
I can still remember how we attempted to persuade the teacher not to change our place.
I can still remember we 'cheat'; not only during gaming.
I can still remember the "chao da' Bee Hoon that we've cooked. It's inedible! XD
I can still remember cheating during bridging
I can still remember our tt "song lyrics book". But it nvr came true anyway.

Really thank you for all the nice and sweet memories.

Perhaps, lets do the song lyrics book after O'lvl.
Perhaos, lets go kbox together after O'lvl.
Perhaps, lets play mahjong together after O'lvl.
Perhaps lets cheat again on phone while playing bridge after O'lvl.
Perhaps, lets find a job together after O'lvl.

No matter what happens, you'll always be remembered as my dearest friend.
Thursday, January 01, 2009

I noe i've been abandoning my blog for ages. So i'm lyk right here updating now. Haha.

Typically slacked for the whole holiday. Went to Beijing and Malaysia-Pahang. I would say both trips are fun. But i would prefer the malaysia trip more as compared to beijing trip. Yea, theres a bit reason behind it i guess. Opps! i forgot to add on tt i went to johor for a one-day shopping spree too! XD

I shall post and update on tt 2 trips nxt tym when i have tym.

Movie session wif yuting and samuel. And olso outing wif sumin and yvonne! Haha.

Damn, i missed those tyms.

I'm now super addicted to twilight and the rest of the series. Wonder when will the nxt movie be huh?

I realised tt as tym past by and ppl getting more mature, the way u think and look at things would be different. Hmm. Juz lyk me now. After experiencing so many things, i think i'm starting to grow up and more understanding i guess. Gripping thight something is nt easy, but letting go is more diffcult. If you do not let go, u'll nvr gain.

Sch reopening tmr. Sort of dreaded it coz couldn't slp in. But looking at the birght side, i get to see all my frends!

O lvl is coming. It's the a chance to prove ourselves, so muz grab hold of the chance. Haha. Shall update more nxt tym
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ZOMG! My buddy e-mailed me! She's kinda chio as seen frm the pic she sent me. Hope she's nt as bitchy as ~!

Kinda hate beijing meeting nowadays. Super long and tiring la! Sighs, i still gt bio to study for. Lyk so wth! -_-|||

And i think i finally saw the lights after reading some blog posts. I totally agree to it and yeap, i've learnt from it. XD

Sighs. I think i shall get started on bio now. Least i can't finish it.

And i'm super addicted to POKEMON now! XD
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Heys! Congrats to me! I juz helped clive done up his blog! A super big achievement to me luh! And i'm still currently searching for nice blogskin. Soon, it'll be my turn turn to change the blogskin!

I realised tt my schedule is lyk super packed these days. And i'm having too many impt stuffs on my hands now. Guess i shld let go some of them coz i needa concentrate on my bio. XD

Flying off nxt sunday and i wonder who will miss me luh! Debate wif the china ppl is so super uber stress! And we haven't even get started. Meeting at 2p.m later at Limbang mac. ZzZ

Great, i still need to meet carina and clique at lyk 3.50p.m later to go to china town to buy stuffs. Lyk so WTH. ZzZ

Bio re-test on tues and i haven't even get started. Think i'll be waking up early later to study plus do beijing stuffs.

opps! I haven't send the ATC propsal yet. Is lyk overdue so long ago liao. Yea, left wif dumbo margaret de part. U where gt see the chairman help her members type things one?! I think i'm the first one luh!

Oh ya, launch of Chong Jing today. Um received a certificate for contributing my essays. And wow, the prize is lyk 2 bks of Chong Jing. Great, now i gt 3 of these bks. Who wans?! I can sell u at a cheap price! XD

Was slacking wif OSM for the whole of SJAB trning. Discussed frm open hse to 10 annivasary to Pokemon to Beijing and etc.

Tym to buck up TYY! Jia you and work hard for the nxt year!

Aim: Nt to be revealed
Goal: Nt to be revealed too!

I juz gt this feeling tt I'm drifting away frm a lot of ppl.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Great, i found some very nice songs. Juz wanna share it wif u guys. XD

Leona Lewis
I just can't believe you're gone
Still waiting for morning to come
Wanna see if the sun will rise
Even without you by my side (ooh yeah)

When we had so much in store
Tell me what is it i'm reaching for
When we're through building memories
I'll hold yesterday in my heart, in my heart

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made (plans we made)
They can take the music that we'll never play
All the broken dreams
Take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
They can take the future that we'll never know (no no)
They can take the places that we said we would go
All the broken dreams
Take everything
Just take it away (oh oh), but they can never have yesterday

You always used to stay
I should be thankful for everyday
Heaven knows what the future holds
Or atleast how the story goes (but I never believed them 'til now)

I know i'll see you again i'm sure
No, it's not selfish to ask for more
One more night, one more day
One more smile on you face
But they can't take yesterday

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made (no no)
They can take the music that we'll never play (they can take the music that we'll never play)
All the broken dreams (oh, my broken dreams)
Take everything (take everything)
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday (oh oh oh)
They can take the future that we'll never know (we'll never know)
They can take the places that we said we would go (huh oh oh)
All the broken dreams (all the broken dreams)
Take everything (take everything)
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday

I thought our days would last forever (but it wasn't our destiny)
'Cause in my mind, we had so much time
But i was so wrong
Now i can, believe that
I can still find the strength in the moments we made
I'm looking back on yesterday

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made (ooh ooh)
They can take the music that we'll never play (no)
All the broken dreams (all the broken dreams)
Take everything (take everything)
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday (yesterday)
They can take the future that we'll never know (yeah ah)
They can take the places that we said we would go (that we said we would go)
All the broken dreams (all our broken dreams)
Take everything (take everything)
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday (they can never hace yesterday)

(All the broken dreams take everything)
But they can never have yesterday
Teardrops On My Guitar
Taylor Swift

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without

Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night


He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

[Repeat Chorus]

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough for me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.

Guess i'll be updating more soon, since exams over. But, i juz dun feel the joy...

Total Defence Gold Outing today. Was quite a successful one. At least it didn't rain lyk last year lo. Haha! Game master of game 3, which is charade. Me and alexis were lyk stoning down there, waiting for the grps to come. Crapped a lot. Haha.

The finale game. Quite entertaining to see them attack each other. -_- I noe i'm a bit saddistic. Hehe.

I seriously love the swing at Fort Canning la! Though its a bit old and unstable, but still i love it. Allowed me to bring back a lot of precious memories. Really felt tt i'm a kid once again.

After the whole event went back sch and clean up everything. Captain Ball was uber fun. Long tym since i last played it. Really miss it huh?

Bought food at lot one and went home straight after tt. Super tired.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ok. Exams officially ended on thursday. But was too tired to update. Haha! XD

Thursday. Went celebrating wif the 3A-ians. Went to eat lunch at sakae. And we were playing wif food. Me, youjie, carina and song yu one table. Then edmund, mabel and hwaiyi one table. The last table is Deborah, Qianting and Chao Wei.(P.S, for ur info, he is frm 3C XD)

Our table damn hiong. Ate super fast can? Of coz la! Gt You Jie and Song yu together, sure eat very fast one mah! Lyk within minutes then gt lyk 20 plus plates liao. ZzZ

The other tables all eat very slow la! And since we sat nxt to the entry of the kitchen and belt, we get to choose the food first. So by the tym we finished choosing, the ppl behind had only very limited choices. XD

Coz i dun really eat sushis, so i juz randomly pick the egg sushis and erm ordered some food. QT and gang ordered udon which tasted damn yucky! Haha! And they had a diffculty tym finishing it.

So there is this fried fish and um tako yaki. I took only one bite and yeah, u guessed it. I spit everything out. Tasted so disgusting la! How could they stand the small in the first place? ZOMG!

But can't deny the fact tt the moochi ice cream is nice. But the strawberry smiles sucks lyk hell. And yeap, we did smth stupid to cw. Haha! I think till now he still dk wad the hell we did. Better keep my mouth shut by zipping it! XD

So the bill for my table came up to ard 72.90 lyk tt bah. Coz they ordered drinks mah. Haha! And they scammed youjie $2. Lol! LMAO. Hengness tt's not my money kay? XD

So slacked a bit at lot one. Actually, we only took some photos and after tt we went home. Was too full to eat dinner! And i seriously think tt i'm getting fatter. So, i shld start dieting now! XD

Friday was such a boring day. I spent my whole day packing stuffs at home while the rest go bowling. lyk so wth! -_-|||

Today was lyk super tiring! Trning frm 7.45-12. But due to some problems, it dragged till 2 lyk tt. First round of footdrill i pon diao. I dun feel lyk marching due to the soreness on my left arm. Tt's becoz i juz taken flu jab yesterday and tt's the after effect. XD Furthermore, i'm olso nt in FDC team anymore coz FDC has been postponed to 22nd november and i'm only returning back to singapore on the 23rd november. Lyk so wth hor?! ANGRY LA!!! But wad can i do? Nth mah. So i can only juz suck thumb and accept the fate. Sighs!

So yea, sat at canteen and accompanied sumin. Was thinkning on the open hse thingy. But ended up chatting luh! XD

Joined in footdrill after the 2nd rd coz i'm getting bored! Sry sumin for ps-ing u! XD

Keep scamming Jun wei and make him let us rest. Damn funny! Chor kiat and Yu Zheng was lyk betting wif him and every bet they win, they will be dismissed lyk 2 mins earlier. Haha. So we actually trained until 11.45 lyk tt then we go upstairs and wait to be dismissed.

Ok, so there's the notification for CSM and ACSM for ATC. Grats to peiling for being the CSM and chorkiat and ain for being the ACSM. Haha!

On top of tt, we olso know our FDC grpings. Grats to those being chosen for no.1. But being no. 1 olso means there'll be more stress than ever.

No matter wad, Margaret, stay strong kay? I'll always support u. U'll nvr noe wad will happen unless u give it a shot right? Give urself a chance kay? Jy and all the best!

And as for Siang Ning, same down here. Ur member will always support and help u out! So dun worry ok? No matter wad, i'll always be there to help u. So jy! =D

After all the discussion and etc we waited for peiling and yanrong to bath before heading to lot one for lunch. Ate long johns. Was lyk crapping and gossiping for the whole meal can? But it's very entertaining and yea, fun. XD

Dragged all of them to accmpany me to borrow books. Haha. Went home wif peiling after tt and we're still gossiping on our way home. And i wan to say smth! PEILING IS ULTRA DISGUSTING CAN?! SHE PUT HER BUBBLE TEA INSIDE HER SHOE BAG! ZOMG! XD

Sighs. EOY has ended. But i doubt tt i will do well in my subjects can? Aiya, nxt year will be the final year. So muz jy. =D

Oh ya. i will upload the photos if i have tym kay? XD

Shld i juz trust u?
I'm super duper ultra confused now.
I dun know when is the real you and when u're nt.
I dun even know when u're telling the truth or when are u lying.
And u're leaving soon.
I dun know if you will come back.
Will u remember me?
Will you remember the promise tt we made?
Sighs. Shld i juz let go and move forward?
I need answers.
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mid autumn festival celebration yesterday. Had to do public duty, so didn't really play at all. Too lazy to elaborate on it la.

Lessons today are ok. I vowed tt i'll work hard and achieve gd grades. Due to many reasons. Haha.

Anyway, some stupid idiots totally spoil my day today. Shall nt elaborate on it. You know very well who u are. And u're being very childish.

Oh ya, Mr Cheng was lyk showing us the MV on the song "Graduation" by Vitamin C. Made me think a lot. Really think tt this song is very meaningful la. And dk why, but whenever i listen to tt song, i'll be emo. And i can cry if i wan. XD

The lyrics is as followed:
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be
when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking
things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be
coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if
you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you
don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the
night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There
was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the
telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our
selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends

So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we
look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember
everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a
job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it

*Repeat chorus*

La, la, la, la; yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la,
la, la, we will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow
like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there? Can we make it
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's
like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep
thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to

*Repeat chorus 3x*
Sighs, these days i get kinda down easily and i dun feel lyk talking. Even miss vanitha sensed it. Guessed i'm juz too upset and worried bout certain things la. And i'm kinda touchy to this song. I feel lyk is describing smth.

HSK exam today. Boring and slightly diffcult. Walkaton tomorrow. I'm lyk looking forward to it la! Finally get to meet my section mates ever since AGI. Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow luh.

Straight after walkaton will be my tution. I'm still considering if i'm going to ace's hse warming. See how first luh. See if i can make it in tym. XD

So, i shall see u guys at walkaton tomorrow then. =D

I sense tt things between us aren't progressing smoothly. Obstacles, trust and understandings. Reflect urself. I'm too tired to say and hold on anymore. I need motivation can?