Saturday, September 29, 2007
YEAH! I <3 my mummy and sister! They bought missy doughnuts for me yesterday! Was super happy luh!
Anyway, went shopping wif mummy this afternoon and bought some stuff. Went to queenstown first to shop for winter clothings and bought one piece of jacket. And it's a sleeve-less jacket! >.<
After tt bused to queensway and a terrible thing happened to me. My shoe spoilt. Damn it. Super Malu la. So we went to search for a pair of slippers. Bought one at $9.90. Damn nice la.
After tt we were juz random walking and searching for sports shoes and fbt. Bought 2 pairs of FBT at $20. After tt saw a nike shoebag and i just grabbed it and asked my mummy to pay for it. $15 luh. Quite cheap luh.
Was randomly walking when we spotted this pair of sports shoe. Damn nice luh. But dun have my size sia. Sianz. Than we saw the 2nd pair. Olso dun have my size lehz. So we told the auntie do lyk help me find shoes tt is suitable for my legs. Was quite disappointed at first.
But heng la, the auntie found a pair of sports shoe tt is suitable for me. Original price was $89+. After discount is $65.90. It's a unknown brand la, called anta. Was made in china and it's super light and comfortable. And do not judge a book by it's cover. It's somewad designed lyk nike shoes and furthermore, all branded sports shoes are made from china kay? So there's not much diff.
After tt we went to a nearby hawker center and had our dinner. The food was super niceeee and cheap luh! Had ice kachang for dessert and its nice too. Went back to cck straight after tt. Rushed to my family clinic to take my blood test report. And my blood type is B.
Went home straight after this and i'm here blogging now. zzz
Friday, September 21, 2007
HCL exam today. Super duper ultra hard. Is a killer paper luh. Hate it! Nvm. No mood for tt. Bball afterwards. Super fun canz?! And a lot of gossiping too. Learnt somethign about someone again. Not tt i wanna say, but tt person is damn 下贱 luh. Rite shao tao?
Anyway, those who went to play were: JiaQi, Ser Ern, Yuting, Daniel Lim, Daniel Chia, WanTeng, An Song, Jocelyn, Me. Shaotao watched us play.
Saw Jiaqi and An song drift on bike. Super pro. i olso wanna learn lehz. But no one teach me lehz. Somemore later my tyre spoil i sure kenna scolding sia. zzz
Was super angry wif smth juz now. But wadever, i wun tell unless u come and ask me. Freak. I was using damn loads of vulgarities juz now coz i was super pissed off kay?!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
As promised, i'll update my blog for the sake of ky. LOL. AGI last sunday. Was quite ok. We arrived late and there was almost no seats for us. In the end i sat wif carrot and mary at the most right of the staidum. Wasn't very enthu tt day. Dunno why. Everything dragged till kinda late. Reached sch around 8+
Dinner at lot one foodcourt wif Peiling, Siang ning, Xin Yan, Ai suan and kenneth. Thx to Xinyan for treating us drinks and french fries. Thx loads! Ate wok delights and was super duper ultra full luh. Anyway, i finished dinner at 9.45p.m, which was super duper ultra late. =.=
Reached home 10.30? Bathed and fed my fish b4 going to slp.
Nxt day had lit IP. Nth much to elaborate one. Skipped.
Telematch on wednesday. Looking forward to it. LOL.
Anyway, i had fun playing gunbound wif yuting. I think i got luck today luh. I use bigfoot anyhow hit olso tio. Roan i olso anyhow hit than olso tio. Hmm, lady luck on my side? LOL. Than idk how i make yuting laugh till she aim wrong. She go ks me. =.=
But in the end i ks her back. Haha. Had great fun playing wif yuting. Best partner forever in gunbound! Lyk whenever we team, mostly we win. Cool huh? Nxt tym i take screen shots down. XD
Anyway, gotta go now! Got service learning tomorrow, so muz wake up early luh. =.=
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Went to play bball wif dl, ser ern, jia qi, samy, hwai yi and wanteng tt day. But hwai yi left after shooting in one ball. So me and samy and jiaqi played while waiting for the rest to come. Played a while than ser ern and wan teng came. Played match. Shortly after tt, dl came and joined us.
Played match again. After tt we played bullet. Damn funny. When we wan throw the ball in than the others kept saying someone of the opposite sex de name. Except for jiaqi, we kept shouting guys name. Than we say he gay. LMAO.
Break a while than some concord ppl came and we played match wif them. Got one kid damn pro can? He super fast and gd luh. But he quite violent olso la. In the end we won. >.<
Some upper sec guys invited jia qi and dl to play wif them and team against other schs de. Not sure of the results. Than me, wan teng, ser ern and samy damn boring ma, so we kinda played monkey and throwing. After a while dl joined us. Than dl, ser ern and samy played monkey themselves. (ser ern zhong se qing you wor!) Than left me and wanteng. So we do throwing. Damn fun luh.
After tt played a bit more and we go ser ern's hse and eat. Carrot cake+Roject(idk how to spell) and watermelon+lychee. Told jia qi tt he cannot he roject and carrot cake coz later he will become blacker. He can only eat lychee. Coz will become white mah. But in the end he really ate all the longans. =.=
Left home first coz i wanna reach home early? LOL. anyway. was kinda fun. =)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Photos on August 3:
Beiqiao, me and Yangjin

The mash potatoe made by me, yuting and yangjin

Corn Soup


Gong Bao Ji Ding

Bean Sprout


Chicken again!

Germain, zu ni!

Ben & Jerry

Me and ser ern

Cool shoes huh?