Photos For August 1:
Wanteng, Ser ern and me

Me and Ser ern's backview

Samuel and me being lame



Me and Kah Fong

Ser ern and me. Say cheese!

Samuel, Hwai Yi and me being bitchy

Mateng, Hwaiyi, Me and YangJin

Me and Hwaiyi at Spin Room

Me and Hwai yi at changi airport

Me and stella on the way to Science Center
Finally have the tym to update. It's been such a long tym since i last updated my blog. Hmmm...shall update on the recent things.
August 1:
Arrival of Beijing people. Reacged sch at 5a.m by daniel chia's car. Was sms-ing ppl on the way. Was super exicted on the way to airport. Really curious to see how my buddy looks lyk. So, we reached airport by 5.45a.m? coz their flight would reach s'pore by 6a.m in the morning. Was zilian-ing wif a lot of ppl. Wait and wait and wait. Still nvr see them. After tt than we noe their flight was delayed. Super sianz. Than we had to leave first coz the bus uncle cannot wait. Was hopping tt there was a traffic jam on the way back luh. And btw, i fell asleep in the coach luh. XD
Finally waited for lyk dunno how many zillion years, than they finally arrived. Super cool luh. Had some ice-breaker games first. After tt we went for lunch and i replaced daniel chia to go science center coz he have to take his buddy home as his buddy is sick.
Was a free and easy trip in the science center. After tt we met up and went to omi-theatre to ctach the qin shi huang. Ok ok la. But than neck super pain luh. Coz the screen is above u luh. Went back to sch staright after tt and there ends my day 1.
August 2:
Went to sentosa in the afternoon. Super fun luh. Forgot where we went first. After tt went to dolphin lagoon. But the lame thing is tt all the beijing ppl get to go in and watch the show while all the kranjians have to stay outside to wait for them. Was super boring. So Mr choy suggested going to the bridge there and we agreed. On the way there i tried pushing hwai yi down to the sea. Sadly, i failed. Instead, i nearly got pushed into the sea by him luh. He so evil. Took loads of pictures on the way there and hwai yi took bollywood photos. LMAO. Have to say the scenery is lyk damn nice luh. Will update the photos later. After tt we walked back again. This tym some ppl threw sand into peisi's shirt. Damn funny luh.
Strolled back and waited for them for a while before proceding to Underwater World. Something tt is not so gd happened la. My buddy dunno how, lost her ticket. Told her to look for it in the bag and she insisted dun have. After we reached home than we found out the ticket is in her bag luh. Skipped tt. Once again, we were told to wait for them outside.So hwaiyi they all went to Ben and Jerry, leaving me, germain and yeeting. Was a bit hungry so yeeting suggested chicken and cheese burger. Bought 2 and share it between the 3 of us. At first wanted to go find them de. But met them on the way. So directly after tt was dinner.
Was too full to eat anything. But i still managed to eat some of it. Went to Music By The fountain after tt. Was super nice. Esp the fireworks and those effect. I strongly recommand u guys to watch it if u haven watched it. Something damn funny happened during the show. The show is coming to an end than i was sms-ing ky. Suddenly got fireworks than i screamed into germain's ear. Than we both laugh. At first germain tot i wun scream liaoz coz i noe got fireworks le. But than i still shouted the second tym. Was laughing all the way. Anyway, took loads of vedios and photos. Shall upload it later. Reached sch at around 10.30? My dad sent us home using his lorry. Reached home quite late. Bathed and slp.
August 3:
Normal lessons for the whole day. After tt i went for NDP rehearsal. Was kinda boring. All we do is juz stand there and carry out the command. There's no marching in or marchign out. It's a ultra bore.
Neverless, after NDP rehearsal, we went to night safari. Left sch at around 5 plus. Went to a restuarant first and have our dinner. Set wif germain, leiji, ma teng, hao ming, samuel, beiqiao, daniel chia, ser ern and wanteng. Our table super noisy luh. Coz we do stupid and funny things. Make me laugh and laugh. Our table is the cleanest luh. Cleared all our food by kinda sabo each other. Picked up food for each other. Super funny and caring? Lol. Anyway, didn't managed to finish the corn soup. So germain and samuel play sissors paper stone. Whoever loose muz drink the soup. Samuel lost. He drank a lot sia. Headed for night safari later on. Was taking photos on the bus and was eating sweets.
Night Safari was fun. Watched an animal show first, followed by touring the night safari in a so called 'bus'. Didn't really noe wad is it called. Nth much bout this. Shall skipped.
August 4:
Brought my buddy to sch early in the morning. Than jiaying super cute can? So sleepy tt she wore the wrong shoes to sch. LMAO. In fact, everybody looked sleepy. After tt i left for SJAB games day. Nth much to elaborate on too. Shall skipped it.
Went home and rested a while b4 going back to sch. At first i still tot immediately stay there for bbq. But when i got there, i found out its totally opposite luh. Coz someone told me the wrong info. Was damn angry luh. Cabbed home wif my buddy, dc and beiqiao. Think i kinda scared my buddy. Coz i was super angry tt i didn't say anything on the way. Think she misunderstood tt i was angry wif her. Sry! After tt my mood got a bit better.
Met up wif dc and his buddy and cabbed to sch again. Was super angry tt i decided not to help out. Instead, i went to play basket ball wif beiqiao, lei ji, germain, ma teng, samy and dc. But half-way through the game, they got called back to help out. After tt ya qi joined us. Dunno wad i do. I wanna catch the bball. But than it hitted my nose. BBQ started and thre wasn't enough water. Wanted to go buy more water wif jiaying and dc one. But someone tagged along. So on the way, we saw vanessa and kaimi. So someone called jiaying to bring back, than we go buy ice. ok so wadever. Bought the ice back and i'm lyk left wif nth to eat. Hwai yi was bbq-ing and it's lyk so nan de? But his skills not bad luh. At least it's edible and not chao da. LOL. Everything ended at around 10 plus. Somthing unhappy happened but i won't post it. Let bygone be bygone. Walked home wif dc, my buddy and beiqiao after tt. Was emo all the way. Dc did all sorts of things to try and cheer me up. But i juz couldn't smile. Thx anyway.
August 5:
Went to Merlion park and esplanade. Nth much Juz photo-taking all the way. Merlin quite cute luh. She wore dress than the wind super strong. She everytym nearly zou guang de luh. Went bugis junction for lunch later and went to bugis street to shop for souvenirs. Met up wif adeline, kahfong, peisi, samy, hwai yi, ser ern, wan teng, ma teng, hao ming, gao chen, jing wen, laura, yiying, thoven later. Headed towards vivo city. Broke up and headed our own way.
So left me, yangjin, ser ern, gao chen, samy, hao ming, mateng, hwaiyi, wantng, thoven, kah fong, yi ying and laura. Went to the most highest lvl and we did smth stupid. Played wif water after tt. Stupid wanteng. Go push me and i sat in the water. Evil. Gao chen, hao ming, ma teng, me, kah fong, wan teng and ser ern played wif the water. The water damn cold luh. But it got warmer later. Some misunderstandings happened btw samy and hwai yi. But everything was fine later.
Dinner at a hwaker center. Ate yun tun mian. Took bus 188 home. Gave hwai yi and germain a call immediately after i reached home. Oh ya, smth bad happened to me today. My phone spoilt. =.=
Nvm, gonna get a new phone after this beijing thing. Currently using my dad's phone. End of the day.
August 6:
Normal lessons for the whole day. Went to eat mac for lunch. Shopped wif hazel, yang jin and my mum around lot one. Bought damn lot of things for her. Went home after tt. At the badminton court near my hse there, i saw yuting daniel lim and yong kian playing. Joined them and played for lyk 1/2 and hr. And i kenna scolding when i got home. Coz i neglected my buddy. Bathed and rushed to cck de restaurant for a farewell dinner. Coz we're late, so we cabbed there again. Didn't ate much. Coz i was busy taking photos and vedios. Than got this performance whereby all kranjians are told to sang 朋友. Was pretty sad. But i olso very blur la. when sing finish liao than i noe a lot of ppl crying. Make me cry too. The first person tt made me cry is germain. Jie yi olso luh. They so bad. Kept making me cry. Had a prize exchange ceremony later. Than tt stupid guy kept playing sad music luh. If i noe his name i'll whack him! Bused back to lot one b4 busing back home. Did some cards and slept at 12 midnite.
August 7:
Woke up at 3.30a.m. Only have 31/2 hr of slp. Was damn sleepy luh. Walked to dc's hse and waited for him. Was quiet all the way there. Didn't noe wad to say. Scared later i open mouth i'll cry sia. So i better shuddup. Ser ern was there damn early. Chatted a bit wif them. I think we're the last few to arrive. Kranjians one bus, Beijing peeps one bus. We left first coz someone was late and we can't afford to wait. Reached Changi and helped them put their luggage first. Waited a while b4 their arrival.
After all the procedures, we went mac for breakfast. Sat wif leiji, yang jin, germain and yeeting. After a while, sandy came and asked if we wanted harsbrown. I said ok. Before biting 1/2 of it, they told us to leave and to throw our food away. So bo bian luh. Throw luh.
At the departure hall, we told ourselves not to cry, coz it might affect their mood. But some ppl juz cannot control and broke down. Some is broke down after they left. And i didn't noe tt hwai yi cried.
Everybody slept on the bus. But juz dunno why me, germain and yeeting not tired. Instead, we chatted. Juz as i wanted to slp, we reached sch le. =.=
Cleared up and went back to class. Was ahving geog lessons tt tym. Miss tan damn gd. Let us slp in class. Love her! Recess didn't eat anything. Chinese miss lim nvr come. Copy notes and slept a bit again. Maths lessons can't slp. Skipped common test tt day. Will be taking it tomorrow instead. Went to lot one for lunch wif the beijing commitee ppl. Some went nia.
And smth frustrating happened right outside the sch luh. When we're lyk buying ice-cream, some stupid guys threw stone at tt ice-cream uncle. Somemore tt uncle is handicap de luh. How can they do tt?! All of us super angry. Jiaying even threatened them tt she'll bring them to Mr siah. Than those ppl still say wad after sch le, prefect got no say. Ok, peisi got angried and kinda scolded them. I think i heard germain scolded something. But shall not reveal it. Than on the way the lot one, they wanted to throw stones at us luh. So i got damn pissed off and shouted across: Oi! Becareful la! Later u kenna hit by a car!" and i dunnoe is it coincidence. It juz happened tt a car appeared from no where. LOL.
Anyway, bought a new phone tt day. K618i. I simply <3 my phone!
Serve them right. Photos would be uploaded at a later stage. Sry for the waiting guys!
If they let me noe who are they, i would surely not let them so easily luh. They are simply bastards wif no parents to teach them. Juz simply fuk off as nobody cares. Nobody gives a damn bout u guys. Perhaps one day, u'll get ur retribution for doing such nasty things. Son of a bitch!